Prism Mold, Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement

Supports the following standards: ASTM C1260, ASTM C151, ASTM C157, ASTM C227, ASTM C342, ASTM C441, ASTM C452, ASTM C490, ASTM C596
Part Number & Name
Cement Prism Mold, 1" x 1" x 10", (25 x 25 x 254 mm), 1-mold
Cement Prism Mold, 1" x 1" x 10", (25 x 25 x 254mm), 2-mold
Cement Prism Mold, Stainless Steel — 1" x 1" x 10", (25 x 25 x 254mm), 2-mold
Cement Prism Mold, Stainless Stell — 1" x 1" x 5", (25 x 25 x 127mm), 2-mold

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